North Konawe is one of the two level regions of Regencies and Municipalities in Southeast Sulawesi Province. North Konawe is located in the northern part of the Southeast Peninsula of Sulawesi Island, in the southern part of the equator. North Konawe with capital Wanggudu is a division of Konawe Regency, formed under Law No. 13 of 2007 on the Establishment of the Regency in Southeast Sulawesi. Geographically, North Konawe is in the way of North to South between 02'97" and 03'86" South Latitude, stretching from West to East between 121'49" and 122'49" East Longitude.
The Regency is abutted to Morowali Regency in Central Sulawesi Province and Routa District (Konawe Regency) in the North and East; Konawe Regency in the South and Kolaka Regency in the West and includes the waters of Banda and Arafura Seas which are the main route of domestic sea transports. The strategic location is what makes the region as national and international trade lanes especially for mining commodities such as nickel. The strategic location is also what will make the area as an economic access point of leading commodities of North Konawe and Southeast Sulawesi.
Transportation to North Konawe is quite diverse with easy access to reach. From Jakarta, there are a number of flights to Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Capital, Kendari, and then by land as far as 150 km to the northern part of Southeast Sulawesi to arrive to Wanggudu City, the capitals of North Konawe, of about 3 hours travel. Wanggudu City can also be reached by air from Surabaya via Makassar to Kendari or by sea from seaports in Indonesia as well as by road from the capital cities of Provinces across Sulawesi Island by land through Trans-Sulawesi Highway. The strategic location is what will make the area as an economic access point of leading commodities of North Konawe and Southeast Sulawesi.
The Regency has a land area of about 500,339 km2 or 13.38% of the total land area of Southeast Sulawesi and marine area of about 11,960 km2 or 10.87% of the total waters area of Southeast Sulawesi, with a coastline of 311.11 km and filled with about 67 thousand inhabitants spread over 13 districts, 158 villages and 11 sub-districts with Wanggudu as its capital.
North Konawe is now known as one of the domestic tourism destination in Southeast Sulawesi. The beautiful nature and diverse cultures are tourist attraction both of domestic and foreign countries. The cluster of islands has beautiful beaches with its white sand.
North Konawe is an area in Southeast Sulawesi which is rich in agricultural, plantation, forestry, mining and marine resources certainly seemed endless. The geographical area which is located on the eastern seashore of Southeast Peninsula of Sulawesi Island and the southern part of the equator, has a land surface topography is generally mountainous, undulating and hilly surrounding potential lowland with an average altitude of around 100 meters above sea level, makes the Regency has a tropical climate which produces high quality agricultural resources.
Agricultural products with food crop that thrives in the area include paddy which is grown well both in wetland and dry land paddy fields, maize, soybeans, peanuts, mungbeans, cassava, sweet potatoes and many more, all of which grow in abundance and spread throughout the territory of North Konawe.
In the plantation sector, North Konawe is also as support productions of cocoa for Southeast Sulawesi, where the region is known as the largest cocoa producer in Indonesia, even the cocoa plantation spread out on area of more than 3,000 ha as the mainstay commodity in the regions which is found in nearly all the districts and villages.
The Regency is able to become the supplier of Southeast Sulawesi cocoa production annually, at the same time raise the popularity of Southeast Sulawesi, which is known as having the largest small holder cacao plantations in Indonesia. The role of cocoa in North Konawe is essential for society economic and business supports. Even cocoa plantation is the main largest work area in the Regency.
North Konawe is the producer of palm oil, coconut, cloves, cashew nuts which are also known having high quality. In the Regency there are four companies investing in the palm oil sector with the permission of land use of around 52,000 ha, such as, PTPN XIV with a land area of about 20,000 ha, PT. DAMAI JAYA LESTARI (DJL) with total area of 16,000 ha and PT. SULTRA PRIMALESTARI (SPL) with 8,000 ha.
North Konawe has a great potential in the field of forestry with more than 385,000 ha of the area are forest lands. According to the function of forest area in the Regency, it is divided into five types of forest such as regular production forest, limited production forest, conservation forest, travel and converted production forest. Currently the government is re-arranging the function of forest to encourage industry and processing aims. All these efforts are expected to create job opportunities and open lines of investment. The whole life of marine aquaculture in the world is in Southeast Sulawesi, including North Konawe because this place is a trip transit of fish from the western and eastern parts of the world.
Fishery commodities which have high economic value in the Regency, among others, are aquaculture of snapper, sea bass, grouper, oysters, blood cockle, sea cucumber, pearl oysters, abalone and seaweed. Waters in the region are considered strategic for seaweed cultivation. At present, there are five locations for the cultivation of seaweed for raw material supplier of the seaweed industry in Southeast Sulawesi. It’s a promising potential.
North Konawe has a variety of unique tourism potential, especially nautical tourism has a charm that is very intriguing as the Marine National Parks and Areas of the Gulf Lasolo mainstay in the cluster of coral islands to Labengki Island. This is certainly an opportunity for the development of maritime destination in all its diversity which is supported by local knowledge of cultures in the area.
Labengki Island, which is now known in foreign countries with the beauty of natural scenery, presents ‘New Heaven’ of tourism destinations in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. The coastal tourism destination which is very interesting for tourists is arranged neatly along the coast stretching from North to South of North Konawe Regency directly adjacent to the Banda Sea that is rich with beauty.
This can be found while visiting in North Konawe, such as the panoramic beauty of Matanggonawe and Panggulawu Beaches in Sawa District, Taipa Cape Beach in Lembo District. Not only that, Wawolesea Hot Springs with the panoramic beauty become prime tourism destination in the area.
In North Konawe there are also nature tourisms and exotic mountains include several beautiful lakes and waterfalls, such as those in the Districts of Asera, Oheo and Wiwirano.
In the field of mining and energy, North Konawe is famous for mining and quarrying mineral deposits. Nickel is a mining potential of the Regency. It is spread almost evenly in all areas in the Regency. Nickel reserves in North Konawe of more than 34 million m3 spread out over an area of over 71,000 ha. At present, there are more than 100 miners that will exist to process the mineral resources of the area. The gold deposit in North Konawe is estimated at tens of thousands of tons. Despite the gold mineral deposit in the Regency is still in the general research and inquiry stages. It spreads mostly in Wiwirano District with a land area of more than 1,300 ha.
Mining potential that is not less important is crude oil, quartz sand, metal sludge, marble, granite, limestone, iron ore, chromate, silica sand and magnetite. Mining is an important industry that is considered to contribute revenue of the area. So important the potential that the Local Government of North Konawe declared processing area of 49,000 ha of forest, about 62.3% to be used as areas of mining, agriculture, and plantations in order to realize the national mining industry area in Southeast Sulawesi Province.
As developing Regency and in order to prepare to be a place to invest, North Konawe continues to improve itself in setting up the infrastructure for industry. Since last 2010, there has been the addition of power generation by 30.5 megawatts to meet the needs of Southeast Sulawesi to be the center of the national mining industry. And for the Local Government of North Konawe has taken concrete steps to support such efforts. The utilization of energy resources and the construction of several power plants in rural areas are concrete manifestations of the commitment to build North Konawe. Improvements and additions of highways and other transportation means such as terminals continue to be done, even up until to remote and isolated areas.
Human resources are also as object of the preparation, construction of schools, development of facilities and infrastructure for the fulfillment of professional human resources continue to be implemented to further prepare the full potential of Human Resources of North Konawe, in order to welcome the arrival of investors both from within and outside the country.
North Konawe is gearing up, a huge natural potential plus a spirit of community development and the full support of governors, regents and local government, is paving the way for the Regency to welcome a brighter future. (Jems)
The Regency is abutted to Morowali Regency in Central Sulawesi Province and Routa District (Konawe Regency) in the North and East; Konawe Regency in the South and Kolaka Regency in the West and includes the waters of Banda and Arafura Seas which are the main route of domestic sea transports. The strategic location is what makes the region as national and international trade lanes especially for mining commodities such as nickel. The strategic location is also what will make the area as an economic access point of leading commodities of North Konawe and Southeast Sulawesi.
Transportation to North Konawe is quite diverse with easy access to reach. From Jakarta, there are a number of flights to Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Capital, Kendari, and then by land as far as 150 km to the northern part of Southeast Sulawesi to arrive to Wanggudu City, the capitals of North Konawe, of about 3 hours travel. Wanggudu City can also be reached by air from Surabaya via Makassar to Kendari or by sea from seaports in Indonesia as well as by road from the capital cities of Provinces across Sulawesi Island by land through Trans-Sulawesi Highway. The strategic location is what will make the area as an economic access point of leading commodities of North Konawe and Southeast Sulawesi.
The Regency has a land area of about 500,339 km2 or 13.38% of the total land area of Southeast Sulawesi and marine area of about 11,960 km2 or 10.87% of the total waters area of Southeast Sulawesi, with a coastline of 311.11 km and filled with about 67 thousand inhabitants spread over 13 districts, 158 villages and 11 sub-districts with Wanggudu as its capital.
North Konawe is now known as one of the domestic tourism destination in Southeast Sulawesi. The beautiful nature and diverse cultures are tourist attraction both of domestic and foreign countries. The cluster of islands has beautiful beaches with its white sand.
North Konawe is an area in Southeast Sulawesi which is rich in agricultural, plantation, forestry, mining and marine resources certainly seemed endless. The geographical area which is located on the eastern seashore of Southeast Peninsula of Sulawesi Island and the southern part of the equator, has a land surface topography is generally mountainous, undulating and hilly surrounding potential lowland with an average altitude of around 100 meters above sea level, makes the Regency has a tropical climate which produces high quality agricultural resources.
Agricultural products with food crop that thrives in the area include paddy which is grown well both in wetland and dry land paddy fields, maize, soybeans, peanuts, mungbeans, cassava, sweet potatoes and many more, all of which grow in abundance and spread throughout the territory of North Konawe.
In the plantation sector, North Konawe is also as support productions of cocoa for Southeast Sulawesi, where the region is known as the largest cocoa producer in Indonesia, even the cocoa plantation spread out on area of more than 3,000 ha as the mainstay commodity in the regions which is found in nearly all the districts and villages.
The Regency is able to become the supplier of Southeast Sulawesi cocoa production annually, at the same time raise the popularity of Southeast Sulawesi, which is known as having the largest small holder cacao plantations in Indonesia. The role of cocoa in North Konawe is essential for society economic and business supports. Even cocoa plantation is the main largest work area in the Regency.
North Konawe is the producer of palm oil, coconut, cloves, cashew nuts which are also known having high quality. In the Regency there are four companies investing in the palm oil sector with the permission of land use of around 52,000 ha, such as, PTPN XIV with a land area of about 20,000 ha, PT. DAMAI JAYA LESTARI (DJL) with total area of 16,000 ha and PT. SULTRA PRIMALESTARI (SPL) with 8,000 ha.
North Konawe has a great potential in the field of forestry with more than 385,000 ha of the area are forest lands. According to the function of forest area in the Regency, it is divided into five types of forest such as regular production forest, limited production forest, conservation forest, travel and converted production forest. Currently the government is re-arranging the function of forest to encourage industry and processing aims. All these efforts are expected to create job opportunities and open lines of investment. The whole life of marine aquaculture in the world is in Southeast Sulawesi, including North Konawe because this place is a trip transit of fish from the western and eastern parts of the world.
Fishery commodities which have high economic value in the Regency, among others, are aquaculture of snapper, sea bass, grouper, oysters, blood cockle, sea cucumber, pearl oysters, abalone and seaweed. Waters in the region are considered strategic for seaweed cultivation. At present, there are five locations for the cultivation of seaweed for raw material supplier of the seaweed industry in Southeast Sulawesi. It’s a promising potential.
North Konawe has a variety of unique tourism potential, especially nautical tourism has a charm that is very intriguing as the Marine National Parks and Areas of the Gulf Lasolo mainstay in the cluster of coral islands to Labengki Island. This is certainly an opportunity for the development of maritime destination in all its diversity which is supported by local knowledge of cultures in the area.
Labengki Island, which is now known in foreign countries with the beauty of natural scenery, presents ‘New Heaven’ of tourism destinations in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. The coastal tourism destination which is very interesting for tourists is arranged neatly along the coast stretching from North to South of North Konawe Regency directly adjacent to the Banda Sea that is rich with beauty.
This can be found while visiting in North Konawe, such as the panoramic beauty of Matanggonawe and Panggulawu Beaches in Sawa District, Taipa Cape Beach in Lembo District. Not only that, Wawolesea Hot Springs with the panoramic beauty become prime tourism destination in the area.
In North Konawe there are also nature tourisms and exotic mountains include several beautiful lakes and waterfalls, such as those in the Districts of Asera, Oheo and Wiwirano.
In the field of mining and energy, North Konawe is famous for mining and quarrying mineral deposits. Nickel is a mining potential of the Regency. It is spread almost evenly in all areas in the Regency. Nickel reserves in North Konawe of more than 34 million m3 spread out over an area of over 71,000 ha. At present, there are more than 100 miners that will exist to process the mineral resources of the area. The gold deposit in North Konawe is estimated at tens of thousands of tons. Despite the gold mineral deposit in the Regency is still in the general research and inquiry stages. It spreads mostly in Wiwirano District with a land area of more than 1,300 ha.
Mining potential that is not less important is crude oil, quartz sand, metal sludge, marble, granite, limestone, iron ore, chromate, silica sand and magnetite. Mining is an important industry that is considered to contribute revenue of the area. So important the potential that the Local Government of North Konawe declared processing area of 49,000 ha of forest, about 62.3% to be used as areas of mining, agriculture, and plantations in order to realize the national mining industry area in Southeast Sulawesi Province.
As developing Regency and in order to prepare to be a place to invest, North Konawe continues to improve itself in setting up the infrastructure for industry. Since last 2010, there has been the addition of power generation by 30.5 megawatts to meet the needs of Southeast Sulawesi to be the center of the national mining industry. And for the Local Government of North Konawe has taken concrete steps to support such efforts. The utilization of energy resources and the construction of several power plants in rural areas are concrete manifestations of the commitment to build North Konawe. Improvements and additions of highways and other transportation means such as terminals continue to be done, even up until to remote and isolated areas.
Human resources are also as object of the preparation, construction of schools, development of facilities and infrastructure for the fulfillment of professional human resources continue to be implemented to further prepare the full potential of Human Resources of North Konawe, in order to welcome the arrival of investors both from within and outside the country.
North Konawe is gearing up, a huge natural potential plus a spirit of community development and the full support of governors, regents and local government, is paving the way for the Regency to welcome a brighter future. (Jems)